I finally gave up on crocheting under the influence when I started making boo boos. Fear not Kathleen, it has been frogged. It was no biggie, though because I was only about 4 shells past the screw up.
Monday, July 20, 2009
It was Miller Time...
I finally gave up on crocheting under the influence when I started making boo boos. Fear not Kathleen, it has been frogged. It was no biggie, though because I was only about 4 shells past the screw up.
Posted by
3:38 PM
Monday, July 13, 2009
It's Miller Time.
I'm on my way to go sit outside on the porch of the bar J and I work and finish my friend Kathleen's one-skein scarf that I started in April. Just a couple hours of double crochet and it's done! I also have work to do for the museum, so I'll have my laptop with me too. Will I get work done? Probably not. Will I crochet and drink Miller Lite? You can count on it.
Posted by
6:44 PM
Labels: crochet, life at home
Thursday, June 25, 2009
I love technology
Picture me singing that like Kip from Napoleon Dynamite. I just got an iPhone and boy do I feel dumb. I'm trying to set it up now, when I should be doing my laundry. I wanted to set the Apps before I threw my laundry in, cause I was going to play with it while I sat at the bar next to the laundromat.
Fast forward: Okay, so now it's two days later. I was going to finish my post, but I was about to be locked out out of the laundromat. This phone is rad. It does everything. It was funny because Mr. Flight played with mine and bought his own the next day. It's even funnier because he's the "I don't have cable" variety. I'm really glad though because that means I can just ask him how to do stuff rather than have to figure it out myself. I mentally check out around electronics. The downside is Mr. Flight hasn't looked up from the phone since he got it in his hot little hands. It's kind of cute though, he's all super jazzed about it. The phone also takes really good pictures and ever since I moved into my new apartment, I haven't been able to find my camera. (Note the the lack of pictures on the ol' blogger lately.) So problem solved on the lost camera for now.
I'm starving to death. Kubiac eat now. (Parker Lewis Can't Lose, anyone?)
Posted by
10:13 PM
Labels: life at home, things I like
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Shameless plug for Joan and Victor!
Because I met two extremely awesome people last week, I'd like to give them a little plug. And yes, I do mean little. (I know how many people read this blog, okay?) They are the founders of the Carbon County Cultural Project and generally amazingly interesting and hospitable people. Here's a description of the CCCP ganked from their website:
Located in a former wireworks factory, the Carbon County Cultural Project (CCCP) is the destination for people who enjoy unique spaces, modernistic design and contemporary American cuisine. As home to FLOW restaurant, we are proud to have become the premiere Art and Food destination in northeastern Pennsylvania.Built c.1850 as a wire mill, and later home to a silk mill and dressmaker’s factory, the Carbon County Cultural Project has undergone extensive renovation from its industrial origins to the present art gallery facility. The CCCP gallery space features emerging and established artists and Stabin Morykin Gallery offers a permanent collection of paintings and limited edition prints by famed international artist, Victor Stabin.
The CCCP also offers workshops that can be taken for Act 48 credits. Here's the most current one:

So go! Eat, learn and look at art.
Posted by
4:40 PM
Labels: art, things I like
Monday, June 8, 2009
I hope I can finish this post before my brain explodes.
Posted by
10:47 AM
Labels: life at home
Friday, May 29, 2009
Say my name, say my name...
So every time I hear my last name it makes me want to hurl. Walking around with my soon to be ex-husbands last name is grossing me out. I need to change it, but I don't want to use my maiden name either. My maiden name (like from back when I was a fair maiden? What a stupid archaic thing to call it) is my father's last name and my mom and him split when I was a baby. He is total degenerate and I haven't seen or heard from him in over 15 years. When I was about to get married I was thrilled to get rid of that name, but I cannot stand to use my ex's name for much longer. When I give tours at work and I say my name it's hard to get out of my mouth. I stopped calling myself "Mrs." which was a weird feeling. Do I say Miss? I think that since I was married I am a "Ms." by default.
Anyway, I decided to use my mother's maiden name. It's a cute name and sounds very British. (Well, because it is. It reminds me of Miss Moneypenny from James Bond.) I have been digging around for my birth certificate and I hope that is enough to change my name. My concern is that I'd be changing my name to something I've never been called before, and I don't know if there are extra steps I have to take. Oh boy am I looking forward to fun filled day at the Social Security office! What a horrorshow that place is. I can't wait to get a new driver's license! I never thought I could feel so good, so soon after something that I thought was supposed to be traumatic.
Posted by
3:34 PM
Labels: life at home
Thursday, May 28, 2009
I've returned from restructuring.
So, where have I been? I'm getting divorced.
Rest of post deleted. TMI-8/18/13
Posted by
5:13 PM
Labels: life at home, things I like
Monday, April 13, 2009
Life is short.
Posted by
10:47 AM
Labels: life at home
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Wordful Wednesday
I've decided to quit smoking. I've done it before and I think this time it's going to stick. I started smoking around 4 years ago and I quit after getting sick last February. I was laid up in bed with a horrible virus and by the time I stopped puking, it had been 3 days since I had a cigarette, so I figured I quit. It was not hard for me to get over the initial quitting, but it was hard for me to stay quit. My husband smoked around me all the time and eventually, I caved. First it was one or two a week, then day, then I was back. I didn't start up again until July, so it's only been 8 months. Hopefully that helps. What I think is going to help the most is that this time, my husband is quitting. He decided to quit on his own, which is a positive thing because I know you can't quit til you're ready. We need the money. It costs between $400-$500 a month for a couple to smoke. That's fucking stupid.
Don't get me wrong, I LOVED smoking. I truly enjoyed it. I just like money more. So, it's been 9 hours and thirty two minutes since my last cigarette, and I feel fine. Mr. Fight and I decided we are going to treat ourselves with gifts equal to the amount of money we would have spent on cigarettes to keep us motivated at first. I'd say, "Wish me luck", but luck has nothing to do with it. I'm a tough cookie and I refuse to let something like cigarettes be the boss of me. I know I'm stronger than that.
Posted by
10:24 AM
Labels: poorness, smoking, Wordful Wednesday
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Give me your web address, url or whatever it's called!
Posted by
12:18 PM
Labels: Blogging
Saturday, March 21, 2009
New yarn...YUM
I went to the Kraemer Yarn Store today! Always fun! I love to shop there since they are so knowledgeable and helpful and always polite to newbies. I have never felt put off or intimidated to ask questions there. They have a clean, bright, well organized store, with an amazing discount bin of off-weight skeins! The purpose of my mission was to pick up a skein of Tatamy Tweed DK, in the taupe colorway. I am making Kathleen the One Skein Scarf from the Stitch 'n Bitch: The Happy Hooker book. The pattern is also available free from the Jo-Ann's website, so go forth and make one-skein scarves! It is the best pattern evar!
So I picked up a nice skein of the taupe color but soon noticed a discount bin calling my name. I saw that it was a full bin of the very yarn I was holding! The discount bin holds yarn that doesn't weigh quite what it should, either too little or...too much! Typically the Tatamy Tweed costs about $6, but the sale priced balls are $3.49! I found a sale priced skein of the exact color I needed and when I took it home it actually weighed in at 115 grams, or 1.15 skeins! For less than what I would have paid for 1 skein. Awesome!
Here is said yarn:
Tatamy Tweed DK, Taupe
(Look Kathleen, I got you one with a LABEL. Fancy!)
But of course I couldn't stop there.
And I couldn't resist more of the black colorway, of which I already have some stashed:

Fountain Hill Brushed Mohair, Surf's Up!
93 grams!
I love new yarn! Sure it'd be nice to buy whatever I wanted at full price, but I got all that yarn for $14! The Tatamy Tweed is a dream to work with, it feels so cool and soft moving through your fingers. I like to make small things, too, so for me it works to have small quantities of stuff on hand. However, they also have beautiful bags of "sweater quantity" in the discount bin too, also for rediculous prices. Thank you Kraemer Yarns! I love you!
Posted by
10:50 PM
Stash bags, con't.
Remember a few posts back when I mentioned I was going to take the stash bags down to the tobacco store to see if they wanted to sell them? No dice. The guy was polite, but clearly not interested. He obviously liked them, because I could see him reacting as I was pulling them out of my bag. He seemed to like the rasta one the best as it warranted a smile.
Maybe he was feelin' irie. Then again, maybe not, since he basically told me where I could put them.
Posted by
10:41 PM
Labels: crochet
I'm a 21st century digital girl!
I also got a new banner and button! The button is so cool you should put it on your blog! (How did you say? Just copy my code on the sidebar!) My always fantastic friend Kathleen from Katydid and Kid made them both for me and she can make you one too! She will make them for cash or reasonable trade, so if you want your blog to look rad like mine (I know, I know, I get a new button and my head swells) head on over and ask her to hook you up!
Thanks Kathleen!
Posted by
10:31 PM
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Computer go boom.
Posted by
12:14 PM
Labels: computers
Monday, March 9, 2009
Some finished Stash Bags
Posted by
11:00 AM
Labels: crochet, fibers, making stuff
Monday, March 2, 2009
Felting-sort of.
I took a bunch of pictures as I was making my first crocheted-then-felted project, but somehow they aren't on my camera. In lieu of the photos, I'll give you the blow by blow.
I started out with Jo-Ann's Sensations Kashmira yarn, 100% wool. I needed to hold two strands together, but I hate working from either end of a skein, so I decided to make some center-pull balls. I did take pictures of this, but just use your imagination.
How to make a center pull yarn ball:
Take the tail end of your yarn, about 6 inches or so and make sort of a fist around it with the four fingers on your left hand so the tail hangs out the bottom near your pinkie and the other end is coming out the top above your index finger. You really just want to keep the tail end out of the way. Next take the "working end" of the yarn, the end that is coming out of your fist near the index finger and begin wrapping it around over the top of your thumb, keeping the wraps loose enough that you'll be able to get your thumb back out. You are also still holding the tail end in your "fist". Now just keep wrap, wrap, wrapping until you look like Little Jack Horner. You can pull your thumb out if you want, but just keep your thumb sort of in the hole, so you don't wrap over the hole where your tail is going to come out. Amazing!
Now that I had my two balls wound, I started off with a simple pattern for making a "stash bag". I just chained 13 with my H hook, did my first row of sc, sc into the "butts" of all base chain stitches and kept spiraling around until it was as long as I wanted. Then I chained like 12 or so to make the little loop and sl st to finish. I will add a button for the loop as soon as it is dry. Unfortunately there is now no picture of the bag pre-felting. Wahhhh....
Then I took it into the bathroom and filled the sink with hot soapy water (I used plain old dish soap) and rubbed rubbed rubbed until I could see the stitch definition getting fuzzier and the holes between my stitches had fused together. I didn't want total stitch definition annihilation, so I stopped there, but I can see how rad this would be with a washing machine.
Submitted for your approval:Ok, now that I uploaded this picture, I'm a little disappointed. It looks pretty normal and un-felty. I swear the stitches were all big and open before and now they've closed up. Whatever. Don't believe me.
I was thinking about making these and taking them to the store down the street that sells glass "tobacco" pipes to see if they want to sell them so the potheads don't break their bowls. I mean, "tobacco heads". If I could sell them one for like 5 bucks and they could maybe sell it for 10 bucks, that would be sweet. I can make one in like an hour, so that's about what I'm used to getting paid.
Posted by
3:06 PM
Labels: crochet, felt, making stuff
I was tagged by Kathleen over at Katydid and Kid to be a part of the Rock star club.
Drum roll please....

For those of you wondering what PARD6B is:
Par-6 partitioning defective 6 homolog beta (C. elegans), also known as PARD6B, is a human gene. And I know I was only supposed to use the last 4 or 5 words of my quote, but I couldn't do that to Kurt Vonnegut. I am quite please with my new band. I play the cowbell. I've got a fever, you know, and the only prescription is more cowbell.

Amoena @ It's About Me, Amoena (as usual! I can't help it, I frakking love her blog!)
Karrie @ Knit Purl Gurl
Laura @ I am a refined young lady!
Victoria @ suffering from nostalgia (as usual!)
and in an attempt to help a friend revive her blog which she hasn't been posting to lately...tsk, tsk
Rebecca @ youer than you
Have fun!
Posted by
11:34 AM
Labels: Blogging
Saturday, February 28, 2009
With my husband anxiously looking over my shoulder, I finished the "Priest Zombie" last night:
I redid the eyes that I burned (see yesterday's post for more on the priest zombie) and decided to needle felt the white collar thing, cross and blood.
Here's the "Priest Zombie" and the "Corporate Zombie" at home on a shelf in our kitchen:
As long as we're talking priests here, you may have noticed the nice picture of the Virgin Mary below the shelf:
Or was it Jesus?
It's basically the sweetest Jesus/Mary hologram ever, courtesy of the Pennsauken Mart (read: dirt mall in Jersey). When I went to my friend Bonnie's house for the first time years ago and saw the same Jesus/Mary hologram thing on the wall, I knew we were soul mates.
Posted by
11:45 AM
Labels: crochet, life at home, making stuff
Friday, February 27, 2009
My husband purchased me the book Creepy Cute Crochet, by Christen Haden for Christmas and so far I had only made the Grim Reaper for my brother:

I left off the hair, per my husband's request and changed the skin color to green. I used Lion Brand's cotton yarn and the colorway for the face is Avocado:
The pattern calls for the tie and blood to be cut from store bought felt, but I decided to needle felt the tie and blood instead, since I had the stuff at my house to do it that way. the eye is made from white and black polymer clay and the eye and mouth are in embroidery floss.
Posted by
5:04 PM
Labels: cats, crochet, fibers, making stuff
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
I don't feel secure at all!
I won't go into detail about what he was saying because it was pretty rude, but there was a Wolf man (think Eddie Munster) and some Mickey Rourke looking guy with a leather jacket with all the fringe and silver circular things hanging from it, so you can use your imagination. It was pretty funny. Before anyone gets upset, let me tell you my husband was looking like no prize. He was in rare form actually. He went bald in high school (yeah but he also had giant mutton chop sideburns in middle school) and he always shaves his head and wears a hat. Always. Even around the house. In his mind, he thought it would be a good idea to make himself look as pathetic as possible for his disability interview. He let his hair grow out for a few weeks and it was all scraggly and he didn't wear a hat. It was full on male pattern baldness on a 26 year old. I've never seen him like that. I mean, I don't give a shit if he's bald or not, but it's funny to see your husband with a "look" you don't know. He also has been growing this crazy beard all winter, which is now like 3 inches off his face and looked really nice with the hairdo. The decision isn't up to the lady who interviewed him, so looking pathetic wouldn't really help or hurt his case I don't think, but it was funny to see him cultivate this "pathetic look".
Anyway, Mr. Fight had to recount every job he has ever had since he was 14 in 1998. The lady was asking him stuff like how much money did he make at each job and what type of hours did he work. He didn't even remember some of the jobs! After that he had to go over all of his health care info like every doctor he's seen since 1998. I can see how people would get discouraged and overwhelmed at all the paperwork and the quantity of information you have to gather. I'm ready though. I am ready to fill out every form they throw at me until my husband has the benefits he needs and deserves. So in 6 months I should have a decision and if he gets denied I have to appeal it and get a court date. I was told that takes up to two years.
I know this will be a long process and I will probably be frustrated and overwhelmed myself, but I feel good that the wheels are in motion. I have a little bit of hope that my husband and I will begin to live a normal life within the next few years. The last six years of my life have been such a roller coaster with him, learning more and more about how sick he really is as it became harder and harder for him to hide it from me. We just want the same kinds of things that other people want; a home, a family and our next meal.
Posted by
4:45 PM
Labels: disability, life at home
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Under Construction-part deux
Like many other bloggers I coveted a more unique design than the blogger template could offer. That and who wants their to blog scream, "I'm a template!"? Not I. So I've been adding things here and there, but what I really wanted was a fancy header. However for some reason when I added the second sidebar, I broke the header. No image for me. :(
My amazing friend and blogging inspiration Kathleen, over at Katydid and Kid had offered to design me a button and a banner in exchange for crochet trade! What's a girl with a broken header to do!? Well, I reached out to my Ravelry friends and the fabulously generous Cesia from Cece at it again stepped up to the plate to offer her brain power! She fixed my header! Whooo-hoo! I have the test header Cesia created up now and I think it will stay up until I switch it to my shiny new one. So for the time being, "Fight or Flight" will now be known as "Tester Image". Deal with it.
Cesia does full on blog overhauls as well as tweaks and accessories so if you need a little sumthin' sumthin' for your blog, go check her design blog out at:
Design by Cece
She is offering deep discounts through her grand opening promotion!
Posted by
9:45 AM
Labels: Blogging
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Under Construction!
Forgive my header looking a mess! It will look better soon! Details to follow!
Posted by
10:13 PM
Labels: Blogging
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Farmer's Market!
I know that we're not supposed eat carbs any more, God forbid, but I am in love with this bread:
To make it even worse, I've been eating practically nothing but this bread and butter for the past two days. I figure since it's fresh and not jammed full of chemicals it will go stale soon, so I must enjoy all of it's deliciousness right away! And yes, I know you're jealous of my chartreuse counter tops. (I actually love them! I have the big pink Kitchenaid stand mixer and other pink kitchen stuff and it looks oh-so-cute on the pukey yellow green counters! Squeal!)
I also got all of these fruits and veggies:

1. 3 apples
2. 4 red plums
3. 2 orange peppers ($1.49 a pound!!!!)
4. buttload of sweet potatoes ($.39 a pound!!!!)
5. 2 eggplants
6. romaine lettuce ($.89!)
7. bag o' garlic ($.99!)
I don't know how much all the other stuff cost per pound, but the whole table full cost only $10.60! Amazing!
Thank you farmer's market!
Posted by
5:14 PM
Labels: life at home, things I like
Friday, February 13, 2009
What better way to celebrate...
The movie came with 3d glasses, so this was totally us:
Oh, p.s., the 3d glasses were printed to look like a hockey mask. Radical x 2.
The 3d was throughout the whole movie, not just in a few scenes like some 3d movies. There was tons of "eye-popping" shit like this:

"Hey guys, wanna smoke this joint?" Whooooaaaa. Awesome! It was like I was there.

This movie ruled. Happy Birthday Mr. Fight! And happy Friday the 13th!
Posted by
6:17 PM
Labels: life at home, things I like
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
You like me, you really like me!
The "rules" for this award:
1. Put the logo in your blog post
2. Write five things you are passionate about apart from blogging
3. Tag up to 5 people on your lists and let them know you tagged them.
Five things that I'm passionate about:
1. Being an advocate for my husband, who lives with severe anxiety and depression.
My husband suffers every day with an illness that isn't taken as seriously as it should be. These aren't diseases that are diagnosable through conclusive tests and he is often told to "suck it up" or "get over it" by people confusing his sickness for laziness or immaturity. I believe that he deserves a life as full and satisfying as anybody else and I will fight tooth and nail to see that he has the services and treatment opportunities that will make that quality of life possible.
2. Fiber-anything!
I loved to sew as a child and began weaving in college. The repetitive operating of the treadles, the shuttle skimming quietly across the warp and the thrill of seeing the colors interact as the fabric builds-slowly but surely-is a very meditative and wholly satisfying experience. I also needle felt and recently learned to knit and crochet. I must say, I'm in love! (Natch.)
3. Ephemera
These items help show where we've been; trips we've taken, bands we've seen, places we've visited, either on purpose or by accident. By saving them it helps give significance to those fleeting moments, which may seem ordinary now, but down the road these are times I want to remember.
4. Promoting arts in education.
It is my philosophy that we are all helping to "write" the story of our time for future generations. We learn so much about past cultures through the art and artifacts left behind. If we do not instill an importance in art making of all kinds in today's children, who will be there to tell our story?
5. Good Cosmetics
Ooooh boy, do I love me some nice make up! Now that we are having financial hardships, it's not a luxury that I can indulge in often. Some people think it is a waste, but they can have the Wet n' Wild all to themselves. I'll go hungry for some good eyeshadow! MAC eyeshadow in yogurt (pink), behold (grey), era (tan) and vanilla are my "go to" girls. I love Benefit's Brow Zings and Highbrow (an arch highlighter that makes you look like a drag queen, but in a good way. Trust me.) For foundation, nothing beats Bare Escentuals.
So, that's me, in a world without blogging! Here are my nominee's:
These are four blogs that I really enjoy, and I'd like to hear more about their non-blogging lives!
Posted by
7:32 PM
Labels: awards
Wordful Wednesday
We went to a garage sale recently, which was fun because it was actually in the person's garage, not out in the driveway.
I found quite a treasure!
It's such a cute recipe box! I am in no way Pennsylvania Dutch, but I live in "Dutch Country" and I love the PA Dutch Hex Signs with their folksy decorations. I have a couple of hex signs in my kitchen and this box obviously has that same appeal.
But wait there's more! The box was full of family recipes, along with funny old ones torn out of magazines or off very dated looking packages:
Now I can make you anything you want if you give me a box of cornflakes.
I can say with confidence that this box is from the late 1960's or early 1970's, since I found this torn out sheet from a calendar inside the box:
And you guessed it, there was a recipe written on the back! It sounds like it would not be my favorite snack, but I like keeping old recipes alive, so here it is. It's called "Rocks", sounds delicious, right? If you like dates, I guess it could be good.
1 cup butter
1 cup sugar (brown or white)
3 eggs
1 teaspoon baking soda dissolved in water
1/2 cup boiling water
1/2 cup black walnuts (chopped)
1 pound dates (cut up)
That's where the recipe ends, so I would assume that you just mush all that stuff together and eat it. I don't know what to tell you about those 3 raw eggs. Bon Appétit!
For more Wordful Wednesday visit:
Posted by
8:24 AM
Labels: poorness, Wordful Wednesday
Friday, February 6, 2009
I has NPR!

Posted by
12:25 PM
Labels: npr, things I like
Felted Friday
Exhibit "A". You may remember a post showing a wet felted pineapple.
Here it is today:
Sucks, right? The piece didn't come out perfect, but it was the first felted thing I ever made, which made it special. While, I'm sure Bubsy did this, perhaps Penelope was trying to frame him. This next photo is Penelope while I was trying to photograph the damage.
Exhibit "B":

The felted pineapple thing above was on a high shelf, which Bubsy actually ripped off the wall to get to it. Sigh...wool is irresistible.
Because these following items will surely be destroyed soon, here they are now for your viewing pleasure. When I first learned how to needle felt, I made a little pineapple. A wee pineapple. It has since been eaten. The fruit thing became somewhat of an obsession for a while.
Here's a few:
This is them on a sewing machine table, so you can get a better idea of the size. (The table is dusty! Where's my house husband?!)
Finally here's a cat toy I made to discourage eating of my other felted stuff:
Giving this to the cats is probably just making me an enabler. Oh well.
Posted by
9:53 AM
Labels: cats, felt, Felted Friday, fibers, making stuff