I was tagged by Kathleen over at Katydid and Kid to be a part of the Rock star club.
Drum roll please....

For those of you wondering what PARD6B is:
Par-6 partitioning defective 6 homolog beta (C. elegans), also known as PARD6B, is a human gene. And I know I was only supposed to use the last 4 or 5 words of my quote, but I couldn't do that to Kurt Vonnegut. I am quite please with my new band. I play the cowbell. I've got a fever, you know, and the only prescription is more cowbell.

Amoena @ It's About Me, Amoena (as usual! I can't help it, I frakking love her blog!)
Karrie @ Knit Purl Gurl
Laura @ I am a refined young lady!
Victoria @ suffering from nostalgia (as usual!)
and in an attempt to help a friend revive her blog which she hasn't been posting to lately...tsk, tsk
Rebecca @ youer than you
Have fun!
Thanks again for tagging! I appreciate it :) And of course I already created my album cover. I couldn't wait :P
Created my album cover!! Go check it out!! :D
I love it! (Okay, so I just love the nerdiness of the band name.)
- Cesia.
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